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All Seeing Eye_edited.png

Contrary to modern allusions of the "All Seeing Eye" being something evil or sinister, at the time of the Founding of our nation it represented God's omniscience and was referred to as the "Eye of Providence" symbolizing divine favor for the new nation. 

All Seeing Eye / Eye of Providence

Nova Constellatio Coin_edited.png

The Nova Constellatio coins are the first coins struck under the authority of The United States of America. These pattern coins were struck in early 1783, and are known in three silver denominations (1,000-Units, 500-Units, 100-Units), and one copper denomination (5-Units). All known examples bear the legend "NOVA CONSTELLATIO" with the exception of a unique silver 500-Unit piece. Notice the Eye of Providence featured here.

Continental Currency 1779_edited.png

Once again, the Eye of Providence is displayed on this Continental $40 Bill from 1779


The currency of a civilization speaks volumes regarding its culture and overall national identity. As seen below, the Founders of this nation made no effort to conceal their reliance upon the Almighty for strength and guidance.

Continental Currency 1779 60 dollar note_edited.jpg

This $60 bill from 1779 shows a globe of the Earth with a motto from Psalm 97 in capital letters: "DEUS REGNAT EXULTET TERRA", or "God reigns, let the Earth rejoice."

Continental Currency 1778_edited.jpg

This note is engraved with a wreath on a tomb, and reads "SI RECTE FACIES" or "If you act Righteously." A blatant call for virtue and piety among the citizenry.

In 1864 Congress authorized that the motto "In God We Trust" be placed on American coinage. The first to be adorned with this phrase was the 1864 two-cent piece shown here. 

Dollar Back.jpg

Most Americans are familiar with the $1 Dollar and many have noticed the "In God We Trust" motto along with the Eye of Providence; what they don't know is the Latin phrase, "Annuit Coeptis" which translates to "He [God] favors our undertakings."

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