John Locke (1632-1704) encouraged his readers to “Appeal to Heaven” in his work, Two Treatises of Government. Mr. Locke essentially proclaimed that once a people had exhausted every attempt to restore their rights through governments, politicians, and kings they are left with no other option but to “…appeal, as Jephtha did, to Heaven, and repeat their Appeal, till they have recovered the native Right of their Ancestors…”
This inspirational phrase used by Locke was emblazoned on George Washington’s Revolutionary War flag to remind those over whom it flew that after all other alternatives of seeking justice have been exhausted, only an "appeal to heaven" remains. Colonists who saw it were reminded to be wholly reliant upon heaven and the God who reigns supreme. Their focus was Jesus Christ, and their concern was living by their convictions without fear of worldly retribution.
Through the years our nation has perverted Thomas Jefferson’s infamous “separation of church and state” statement leading our citizens to believe that we, as a nation, can survive without the Providence of Almighty God. Even a majority of self-professed conservatives believe that the integrity of the nation rests solely on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights held therein. Make no mistake, whether liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat, Independent or the various flavors in between, without reliance on the Creator of the Universe and His only begotten Son our nation is destined to follow the paths of the great civilizations that came before.
As a result, we ask our congregation, our community, and our nation to Appeal to Heaven! We encourage you to open your Bibles, pray to God, seek the Truth, find a Bible believing church and put your faith in God Almighty. Further, we challenge you to get involved, make your government officials aware of your convictions, demand that they seek to do what is right rather than what is politically correct. And last but not least, just as our colonial ancestors did, fly the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, place it in your home, wear it on a shirt or hat – let people know that you are not a man, woman, or family that seeks approval from man or government but lives by the principles of your convictions and petitions God for protection, provision, and justice!