Missions & Ministry
The Battle Mountain congregation collectively supports many different missions and ministries within the United States and abroad (listed below). Furthermore,
our members routinely support, on an individual level, other various ministries and benevolent groups to advance the word of God.
In an average year, the Battle Mountain church of Christ allocates roughly 45% of its contribution to missions and benevolence!!
*Click on logos for more information.
The Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort immediately responds to any major disaster in the United States, and US Territories by sending truckloads of emergency food, water, cleaning, and other supplies to be distributed to all disaster victims in the disaster area through a local Church of Christ. They are a non-profit corporation, tax-exempt from state and federal income taxes under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501(c)(3). The organization has fifteen employees consisting of an office staff, a warehouse crew, and 5 men who travel across the country telling local congregations about the work of Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort. Most important are their unpaid volunteer workers and volunteer truck drivers. They are the secret to the success of the organization.
Mountain States Children's Home extends Christian services to wounded children in an effort to meet their physical needs, heal their emotional hurts, challenge their minds and teach them moral principles, in order to reach the goals of reuniting them with their families or preparing for independence. This is accomplished utilizing a family model of care, strengthened by professional counselors and teachers.
NMCCH is a multi-service agency meeting family needs with Residential Care, Adoption Care, and Single Parent Homes. They receive no government funding but are licensed under NM Health & Safety regulations. The Home is a non-profit
501(c)(3) organization supported by individuals, churches, and charitable civic groups. God receives all the glory!
Westview Boys' Home is located in Hollis, Oklahoma. They have a successful history of providing Christian hospitality to young men from kindergarten through high school age. Young men who are neglected, rejected, abused, or troubled find their doors open to provide a safe place to discover growth and healing. Their 1,600 acre ranch has been the space where these young men remain to explore new possibilities and find new futures. As they prepare to go out into the world, they discover that they have acquired both resources and hope for resilient, productive adult lives. Their goal for their time with WVBHis balance - a time for responsibilities and a time for play - a time to work and a time to worship. This balance helps boys experience a time of growth that might never have been possible if not for God's work through Westview Boys' Home.
The Battle Mountain congregation has routinely supported "Team Farr" within the Wycliffe Bible translation program. After completing their first term in Alotau, Papua New Guinea as regional center managers (2009-2012), the Farr family relocated to Arlington, TX to serve with Wycliffe's affiliate, Seed Company. Mark worked as a Field Coordinator in South Asia and Kim worked as a writer until 2016 when Mark accepted the leadership of Global Initiatives. They now work together to strengthen indigenous Bible translation organizations, localizing resources and funding to better engage and serve the local Church.