Media & Video
resources that reveal the truth about our country's past and potential future...

The Silencing of God
Session # 1
Session #1 of "The Silencing of God" seminar introduces the sinister attempt to expunge manifestations of God, Christ, and the Bible from American life--in direct and stark contradiction to the original intentions of the Founders and Framers.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:
The Silencing of God
Session # 2
Session #2 of this seminar presents multiple political utterances from the Founding Fathers that verify America's religious heritage. The historical evidence is voluminous and decisive: the Founders of the American Republic intended the political institutions that they established to be based upon and rooted in the moral principles of the Christian religion.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:

The Silencing of God
Session # 3
Session #3 demonstrates America's religious heritage as manifested on our money, and our national memorials and monuments. The evidence for the nation's original attachment to God is decisive and breathtaking.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:
The Silencing of God
Session # 4
Session #4 of this seminar demonstrates how public education in America from the Founding era up until World War II was laced with Bible morality and Christian content--now largely stripped from the school system.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:

The Silencing of God
Session # 5
Session #3 demonstrates America's religious heritage as manifested on our money, and our national memorials and monuments. The evidence for the nation's original attachment to God is decisive and breathtaking.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:
America's Most Pressing Concern
Session # 1
In the first installment of this sequel to “The Silencing of God” seminar, Dr. Miller identifies the most prominent national concerns of Americans as reflected by election exit polling data and media reports. He then directs attention to what the Founding Fathers pinpointed as America’s most pressing concern, as reflected in their official utterances issued to the nation, beginning with the first four Continental Congress “supplication” proclamations issued from 1775-1777.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:

America's Most Pressing Concern
Session # 3
This episode covers the Continental Congress proclamations issued to the nation from 1780 to 1782. The Founders articulated the only means to national happiness
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:

America's Most Pressing Concern
Session # 2
In the second episode, Dr. Miller continues a consideration of what the Continental Congress had to say about America’s most pressing concern. Who today can believe that the Founders considered Christianity to be the basis of American independence? See the evidence for yourself in the proclamations they issued from 1777 to 1779.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:

America's Most Pressing Concern
Session # 4
The final Continental Congress proclamation issued during the Revolutionary War in 1783 is examined, followed by a summary and synthesis of the profound spiritual principles taught by the Founders in their official pronouncements.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:
America's Most Pressing Concern
Session # 5
Though the bulk of the Founding Fathers were obviously oriented toward God and Christianity, revisionist historians of the last half century have mounted a campaign against them by insisting that they were hypocritical at the very least, and evil men at worst, since “they were a bunch of racist slave owners.” Is this accusation accurate?
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:

America's Most Pressing Concern
Session # 6
Revisionist historians have been significantly successful in selling their notion to rank and file Americans that the Founding Fathers were deists who believed in a generic divine Creator who created the Universe, but then had no further involvement in the world. The truth: out of hundreds of Founders, only a small handful were deistic. The vast majority of the Founders believed in the God of the Bible.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:
America's Most Pressing Concern
Session # 7
Session 7 takes a penetrating look at the central theme of the book of Kings in order to glean insight into how “God rules in the kingdoms of men.” That theme: religious/spiritual and moral factors determine the course and outcome of a nation. America’s future depends solely on her religious and moral condition.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here:

America's Most Pressing Concern
Session # 8
Session 8 applies the central theme of the book of Kings to America’s own moral and spiritual condition. Sadly, tragically, America sounds eerily like Israel when it was ripe for God’s wrath. But there is hope! Americans must reacquaint themselves with the God of the Bible (the God of our Fathers!) and return Christian principles to public life.
Interested in having these DVD's for your home collection? This set can be purchased from Apologetics Press, simply click on the link here: