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general fast

By Continental Congress President Henry Laurens
March 7, 1778 Philadelphia
By State of New Hampshire Committee of Safety
March 27, 1778

State of New Hampshire

In Committee of Safety, March 27, 1778


THAT the following, PROCLAMATION of the Hon'ble Continental CONGRESS, for a General FAST throughout the UNITED-STATES, be printed, and sent to the several Religious Societies in this State, to be observed agreeable to the Directions therein.


M.WEARE, Chairman,


For a General FAST,

Throughout the United-States of AMERICA

In CONGRESS, March 7th, 1778

WHEREAS Almighty GOD in the righteous Dispensation of his Providence, hath permitted the continuation of a cruel and desolating WAR in our land; and it being at all Times, the Duty of a People, to acknowledge GOD in all his Ways, and more especially to humble themselves before him when evident tokens of his Displeasure are manifested; to acknowledge his righteous Government, confess and forsake their evil Ways, and implore his Mercy:

RESOLVED, THAT it be recommended to the UNITES STATES of AMERICA to set apart WEDNESDAY the 22d of APRIL next, to be observed as a Day of FASTING, HUMILIATION, and PRAYER; that at one time, and with one Voice, the Inhabitants may acknowledge the righteous Dispensations of Divine Providence, and confess their Iniquities and Transgressions for which the Land mourneth; that they may implore the Mercy and Forgiveness of GOD, and beseech him that Vice, Profaneness, Extortion, and every Evil, may be done away, and that we may be a reformed and happy People; that they may unite in humble and earnest Supplication; that it may please Almighty GOD to guard and defend us against our enemies, and give Vigour and Success to our Military Operations by Sea and Land; that it may please him to bless the Civil Rulers , and People, strengthen and perpetuate our Union, and in his own good Time, establish us in peaceable Enjoyment of our Rights and Liberties; that it may please him to bless our Schools and Seminaries of Learning, and make them Nurseries of true Piety, Virtue, and useful Knowledge; that it may please him  to cause the Earth to yield its Increase, and to crown the Year with his Goodness.

And it is recommended to the Inhabitants of the UNITED-STATES, to abstain on that Day from Labour and Recreations.

By order of CONGRESS, 



[Emphasis added]

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